Art, faith, life


Today I got my first ever tattoos! What an exciting experience it was! I was quite nervous at first, but I talked to God and asked for confidence and relaxation, and he concurred! I’m not sure if it was God answering my prayers, the two extra strength Tylenol I took an hour beforehand, or the fact it just isn’t so bad… but the smallest one did not hurt in the least, and the second and slightly larger one just had an annoying dragging feeling here and there..

Anyways, here they are! The one on the left is a dedication for my children which I self designed, but with the aid of Google for ideas 🙂, the other is a cross with my favorite Bible Verse next to it, Proverbs 31:25.

The New Living Translation (and my favorite version) of this verse is “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”  ❤️